So far have seen a bit of a concensus that LPL teams didn’t “show up” against T1. Surely this cant be the case for all 3 teams?
What is T1 doing so differently that the top 3 LPL teams look like they arent “showing up”
Is it because T1 forced the botlane meta/macro so hard and the other teams had to catch up?
I mean lpl people don’t really like giving credit to t1
Blg series : on ran it down
Lng series : tarzan sprinting fast
Jdg series : kanavi sprinting a marathon
Wbg series : ?
If t1 wins worlds : yall be saying lpl ran it down
You see there’s a korean in every lpl team minus BLG so T1 must’ve activated their sleep agents!(ignore T1 2-0ing blg during swiss)