I understand why she’s so despised. That was awful.
She was just constantly rendering all my abilities useless, and I was repeatedly getting shoved around, that was not fun. She also just wouldn’t fucking die.
How do you play tank against the honse? Who counters her? I think I played rein, jq and ram and I got bullied by her all three times.
Orisa isn’t OP, she has a lot of counters, in particular from DPS heroes. You were probably struggling with her because your team refused to adapt and counter her.
As others have said, it’s not so much that Orisa is so powerful, it’s that the supports pocketing her are very powerful and aren’t being targeted.
I can guarantee if you watch back your replay all of your team will be pumping bullets into Orisa because she’s the “threat” meanwhile the supports are healing her for free and no one is dying.