and I never really post here, but I’ve been seeing so much hate for this kid after this game that I think is really unwarranted. I know I’m asking for downvotes, but I feel like I had to add my two cents after rewatching the offensive game and watching Zach play-

I agree that he’s played terrible in the past and think that someone like Dobbs would be performing better but Zach had so many great plays that were completely stripped from him because of drops, penalties, and overall incompetence. He is not why the Jets lost.

8 penalties for 83 yards, almost all of which came on crucial plays that would have set up scores or touchdowns that would have tied the game at the end 6-7 drops

And I’m ignoring things like bad play calling or anything I as a common fan wouldn’t know about but regardless, it seems nonsensical to just attack this poor kid for a game that really doesn’t seem like was his fault by any standards. He had some incredible throws and runs that kept the Jets in the game, and those seem to be ignored.

Again, I don’t believe he is a very good quarterback whatsoever, but for this game he played at the level he was expected to play.

I’ll prepare for the downvotes now, but I just wanted to say that he really isn’t why the Jets lost. I’m ridiculously frustrated but I can’t find a reason to attack Zach today.

  • calivendB
    10 months ago

    Is AOC better than ZW? 100% no. Is DeVito better than Zach? 1000% no. Would you want either DeVito or AOC play in ZW’s shoes? No way.

    God damn those kids still scored TDs while ZW didn’t. The lack of TDs is more of coaching issue than Zach. Last night, ZW only had 1-2 redzone opportunities. Redzone offenses were always initiated by run and ZW was always forced to throw 3rd and goal at more than 10 yards.