I usually don’t tend to whine about balance and whatnot, but every single match I play has a sombra on each team. She has such power to wipe you out instantly if your team doesn’t find her quickly enough, and it just turns the game into searching for sombra the whole time. I just recently got back into the game after taking a break for a year, and I’m already ready to leave again because every single game is just a matter of me waiting to get hacked
I usually look for a flanking dps or a support too far behind their team, this is usually good for supports like weaver and ana, who have fast projectiles and long ranges, but as sombra they become kind free, even if the weaver uses their dash (Although, it has happened to me a couple of times that the weaver just hauls their tank’s ass over for them to help him, which I find hilarious more than infuriating)