I usually don’t tend to whine about balance and whatnot, but every single match I play has a sombra on each team. She has such power to wipe you out instantly if your team doesn’t find her quickly enough, and it just turns the game into searching for sombra the whole time. I just recently got back into the game after taking a break for a year, and I’m already ready to leave again because every single game is just a matter of me waiting to get hacked
Kinda rich coming from a Pharah user. At least Sombra isn’t untouchable to half the roster. Unless I’m playing a dive tank I’d rather face a Sombra than a Pharah, because at least I can do something against her, rather than just praying someone on my team goes hitscan.
What I’ve learned from years of playing Overwatch is: everybody is going to complain about every character being OP. I can even acknowledge it with my own post, but every single character gets some shit, and I really don’t think Pharah is op at all
Where’s the fun in playing fair?! 🙁
Boop! 🤭
Honestly I don’t know where this supposed “Sombra in every game” is coming from, I really ever face her, and even when I do, the Sombra is rarely contributing anything useful to their team
As someone who currently mains ball, countering new sombra is pretty simple. Let her hack you when it’s not useful. Now she’s revealed herself. I usually show myself and let her hack me, then I shoot her for a bit and roll to knock her away from her team and hard focus her. She’s a very easy kill on her own especially when you can easily follow up on translocate.
tbh I get the Super Shimada Bros waaaaaaaaaaaay more than Sombra. It’s virtually guaranteed the enemy will have at least one, often both of them.
Nope, its just mostly been bastions sombra mei sym zen ana
The impact of a Sombra is determined by what supports do you have and how close you play as a team. So if you have a Moira or a Brig Sombra has to think twice.
As a sombra main I hope the rework newness dies off soon. It’s horrible to watch people try sombra on comp and have no clue what they are doing, But also the ones using her to be trolls