I want to do a video on Alperen Sengun’s hot start to the season. From what I understand Udoka is empowering Sengun in the Rockets offense while Silas pigeonholed Sengun in a limited role. From what you guys have seen how has Udoka utilized him differently?

  • ScoobsFPSB
    10 months ago

    I disagree w/ everybody here saying it’s KPJ vs FVV.

    I think this is a REALLY simple change, and it’s one that McHale tried to get Dwight to buy into.

    First of all, understand that we are spacing the floor better and giving AlP more room to work with. We’re cutting to the rim, giving him options, while still giving him enough air to operate.

    After that, the key is just for AlP to play faster on the lower block. He doesn’t have to read anything, he just goes at his man and if the help comes, either kick it out or beat your man before it arrives.