Its going to take red states much longer to get on board with EVs than blue states and on top of that, EV technology isn’t 100 there (yet) and its better to get a hybrid in the moment I feel like. I think something like this is more realistic:

Ban new gas-only cars: 2036-2039

Ban new normal hybrids: 2039-2042

Ban new plugin hybrids: 2042-2045

I say this as a left-leaning person politically, we are still going to need gas stations until at least 2050.

  • shivaswrathB
    11 months ago

    I don’t think gas stations will disappear…ICE cars will remain in circulation for 70 Years at least.

    The ban won’t be heavily enforced, last time the government banned something was prohibition and we saw how that turned out…states tried banning abortion and most of those politicians were voted out and/or women booted the legislation out. The last time the government required us to do something was theCovid vaccine and/or masks and we saw how that turned out…net net, humanity doesn’t care unless it’s about sex and money.

    EVs are sadly about neither.