Let’s say the Steelers continue to have a bad offense that only scores enough points to win and they look like an offense from the 80’s doing it. Let’s also say the defense continues to give up a crap ton of yards, but the splash plays continue to keep points off the board and low enough that the team still wins.

Should this team make the playoffs, it would prove they were good enough to get there. If they should win a game, it would prove that it can be done against a playoff team. If they win the whole thing, would you people saying “it isn’t sustainable” and “it can’t beat a top tier team” at least agree to stop your nagging? You can continue to believe what you want, but a lot of you are the type of “fan” who will never be happy with the result. Like those that complained about how Ben was terrible in Super Bowl XL and we shouldn’t have won, etc. Just shut up and take the W’s!

  • AmishJohn81B
    10 months ago

    I’ve accepted that the killer bs era was a fluke. I have accepted that Steelers football is ugly, run game and defense driven. And I’m fucking here for it. Let’s pickle those elves.