It just doesn’t belong in the game anymore. If Kiriko didn’t exist then Ana would be the strongest hero in the entire game, Kiriko is LITERALLY the only thing keeping her in check, so if your supports refuse to play Kiriko you lose. The fact that she is the only non-tank with a stun and anti is absurd and there’s a reason she’s been the most picked character for forever now. She makes half the tanks unplayable and is the strongest counterpick character in the game by far. Why are the devs contempt with her having the 2 strongest squishy abilities in the game and being the only one who has them?

  • bxalemaoB
    10 months ago

    Illari’s healing pylon now exists to take that entire problem out of the equation. Passive, auto-target heals that entirely remove the weakness of the most offensive support hero in the game. There’s no skill expression behind support survival anymore. But Ana is the biggest offender of Support creep because pylon exists. So Ana just has to position herself near the pylon (which every support is going to passively swarm to anyway, so that’s barely even positioning skill) and boom, she has no weaknesses.

    Yes, this response was mostly about Illari, but Illari just brought Ana’s problems to the surface. They both need nerfs. Ana is too oppressive. That’s just a fact. And thanks to Illari, her weaknesses are non-existent. The Support nerfs targeted Zen and LW when they should’ve targeted Ana, Illari, and Bap.