• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • Literally can confirm the Soldier/Mei one. I flex between roles, and I have characters that I play because someone else isn’t doing their job.


    If DPS can’t kill anything: Ram, Orisa, Zarya

    If DPS can’t kill an Ana/Ashe/Hanzo/Pharah/Widow/Zen: D.Va

    If Supports aren’t keeping me up (whether it’s my playstyle or theirs that’s the issue): JQ, Hog if it’s definitely my Supports not doing their job

    If everyone has given up on my team and I’m suffering: Ball


    If Tank isn’t tanking: Mei, unless they’re at least semi decent and not Doom or Ball, then Sym

    Supports can only heal Tank or are being petty: Mei, Reaper, Soldier


    If Tank isn’t tanking: Brig

    If Tank Is hard feeding: LW

    If DPS need help: LW (positioning), Zen (damage)

    If DPS are only shooting tank: Moira or Zen

    If DPS are worthless: Moira

    If DPS need to be babysat and Tank is Doom or Ball: Mercy, if they fail me, Moira

    If Ana exists: Kiriko or LW

  • bxalemaoBtoOverwatch@level-up.zoneIs everyone a jerk?
    10 months ago

    Just turn off chat until you feel comfortable in the game. Don’t start comp too early because it’ll get 1000x worse when there are actual stakes in the game. Learn multiple heroes in each role. This is not Smash, don’t one-trick. You’d just fuel the toxicity by not being willing to swap if needed. Overwatch is played around counters. Great thing is that Quick Play is meant to learn heroes and the game itself. You have the option to switch during the round. Use it if you can. Play Mystery Heroes to try more characters. Just focus on learning the game, heroes, maps, and teamwork. And most of all, don’t let people get to you. Once you do that, you’ve become part of the toxicity. Don’t become part of the problem because every time someone succumbs to the toxicity, it gets significantly worse. Good luck out there. It’s a war zone out there. Stay strong.

  • Having played this game for a long time, the switch to 5v5 put a lot of strain on both Tank and Support. DPS’s role got better, but the other two got worse.

    Supports have to keep the Tank alive because the sole Tank will make or break the team fight. Which puts a lot of pressure on that Tank to play well.

    If the Tank is too aggressive, they die. If the Tank is too passive, no enemies will ever die. If the Supports are too passive for their Tank trying to make space, the Tank dies. If the Tank is too aggressive while their Supports are getting harassed in the backlines with the DPS nowhere in sight, the entire team dies, Tank being last. If the Tank can’t draw focus, their team dies. If the Tank draws focus and gets hit with every debuff and CC, no amount of healing can keep them from dying. If the Tank is getting hard countered and neither them nor their DPS are swapping to counter, the Tank dies.

    If the team can’t pick a cohesive comp and makes swaps to help the TEAM, the team might as well just take the L and never play together again because they won’t win.

    Bottom line is people are the problem. Shirking all their responsibilities and blaming others so they can “have fun” and play the characters they want. The selfish playstyle holds your team hostage to what you want. In the end, this game is a TEAM game, more so than any other team game. If you can’t play with the team, just do yourself and everyone a favor and delete the game. Because playing selfishly ruins the game for everyone.

    Best way I can put it. Imagine you’re playing a team sport like basketball, for instance. And you decide that once you get the ball, you will make the shot because making the shot is fun for you. You never pass the ball to anyone, and your opponents start blocking your shots constantly. And then you never score a single shot, and your opponent completely stomps the game. Your selfish actions cost the team the game. Did you have fun? No, because your team stopped supporting you. Did your team have fun? No, because you were dead weight that was being dragged around the whole game.

  • Definitely, Sym. No question.

    Art Deco




    Figure Skater

    Even S-900 Sentry

    Not to mention some of her killer epics and even her other legendaries are acquired tastes that some people die for, like Oasis is very nice, but some won’t like the design, but it is so well constructed nonetheless.

    There is no one that competes with Sym. She doesn’t get skins often, but when she does, they ALWAYS hit.

  • I wouldn’t ban anyone permanently because all the characters in this game are fun and interesting in their own right. But in this hypothetical ban period, my options are really easy.




    Ball because even with a great Ball, you still feel the lack of frontline on the rest of the team. Ball Meta in S3 was ROUGH because it wasn’t fun to play with or against. The ONLY one enjoying themself was the Ball player. A meta that turns every match into a 1v9 is a bad meta.

    Doom because he’s hit or miss. Either you’re without a frontline, and Doom or his team get destroyed in seconds. Or your Doom is crazy good and just awful to play against. A bad-decent Doom will make your team hate you. A good Doom will make the whole enemy team rage quit because the aggressive amount of CC combos are infuriating to play against. A good Doom is 1000x as infuriating to play against as the best Orisa player in the current Orisa meta.

    Ana has 3 of the most game-breaking abilities in one kit with hitscan heals. She is the most broken character in the game right now, and a week without Ana would be incredible.

  • I think you’ve got a great point with all of this. Would we take into account existing lore relationships? Or are we assuming everyone is neutral with each other, truly Hunger Games, style?

    Because if we factor in relations with each other, Moira could get away with a Talon alliance, but manipulating most of the other would be pointless. I think, most likely, there would be starting alliances based on factions and separate alliances within those factions. For instance, the Talon Faction alliance: Moira, Widow, Sigma, Doom, Reaper, Sombra, and Mauga (if you wanna include him in the mix now) would likely split at a certain point. The first split would likely be that Moira betrays DoomFist as a decoy for the others, and the others know that they are just pawns to Moira, so they’d dump her, too. But Reaper and Widow would likely have to fight her or give her up to an enemy alliance. Mauga may split to join Baptiste or be dumped for being the loudest of the bunch and an inconvenience. Eventually, Reaper and Widow would split from Sombra and Sigma, but that alliance would likely stick around until Moira was out.

    That’s just another layer to think about.

  • I had an idea to cut down the cast time of Shadow Step by 30-50% and give him an alt fire. The big thing is that it should be a mid range ability that can dwindle HP so that he can finish them off at close range, but not one that makes him more effective at a distance.

    So what if his alt fire has some kind of mid range, small AoE poison effect? Did like 90 damage over 3 sec or something? Idk. And maybe poisoned targets grant bonus lifesteal on a kill or something? Idk, it’s something.

  • Reaper and Pharah.

    One shot metas of OW2 destroyed them, and they could both use some love. Reaper is decent right now because everyone is trying the Hog rework, but only if that Reaper is good at Reaper because they basically gave Hog a new free kill combo, and Reaper is a bigger target.

    I just want Reaper specifically to have another ability or shorter cooldowns personally (or even just a shorter shadow step animation), and I think Pharah players can resonate with that.

  • Illari’s healing pylon now exists to take that entire problem out of the equation. Passive, auto-target heals that entirely remove the weakness of the most offensive support hero in the game. There’s no skill expression behind support survival anymore. But Ana is the biggest offender of Support creep because pylon exists. So Ana just has to position herself near the pylon (which every support is going to passively swarm to anyway, so that’s barely even positioning skill) and boom, she has no weaknesses.

    Yes, this response was mostly about Illari, but Illari just brought Ana’s problems to the surface. They both need nerfs. Ana is too oppressive. That’s just a fact. And thanks to Illari, her weaknesses are non-existent. The Support nerfs targeted Zen and LW when they should’ve targeted Ana, Illari, and Bap.