I’ve seen a lot of people who don’t want to share and talk about their ideas for fear of them being stolen. I’ve always believed that an idea without implementation is worth nothing. But maybe I’m wrong.
Tell me, have you ever had an idea stolen from you?
Did you really want to do it? Or do you realize now that you never would have made this app/business anyway?

  • RotoruaFunB
    10 months ago

    At the start of my career, I had a mentor who said don’t discuss things until after you’ve done them, it distracts from the process. She was (and still is) one of the most successful people I have ever met.

    Aside from this, some ideas are actually unique and do need to be patented, copyrighted, protected etc.

    So I find it’s best to keep your business ideas to yourself until you launch. As they say “only tell the people you’d ask to shift a body”, lol.