I’m doing some insurance shopping and trying to navigate a couple things. I have two teen drivers in college and insured on cars. I’m wondering about a separate insurance policy for a 2019 Cayman S for just the wife and me. Daughter (19) was recently in a fender bender in a Volvo requiring a claim. Anyway, kids don’t drive the Porsche and are away at school and premium is high for teen drivers. Best options or suggestions? Thanks
i am in CA and no one wants to insure anything in this state. have had 2 cayman over the years. was with geico for 10+ years. currently have a macan and an alfa romeo giulia QV and geico must have decided they want out of CA cause they raised me about 40% this time around. ended up switching to progressive
Yeah, Farmers, All state, and State Farm have left CA car insurance.