personally i want to se runes re-reforged again. the system is great and have a lot of meaningful choices and they add another layer to the game theory-crafting.
but it’s been mostly like this for 6 years. yes some runes were removed and others got reworked, but still the majority of runes are the same as they were introduced, others are boring to play around, others are not good anymore.
i just want to see other versions of conqueror that gives a shield for example when stacked or gives attack speed or anything new. i want to see another option for enchanters except for aery and sometimes guardian. i want to see minor runes like nullifying orb, spell book and time warp tonic get reworked.
what else do you want to see?
We don’t really need new things to tinker around with as you stated.
We need to simplify the game, things have gotten way out of hand lately. The mythic system fucked everything up and made certain champions just inherently stronger than others that couldn’t be matched at 1 or 2 items. With mythics gone a large part of the game will be improved.
Next runes are fucked and they have started to fix some of that. Just like with mythics champs that can abuse lethal tempo and conquer better than others simply became better period especially if they are one of those champs that has great synergy with a 1 or 2 item spike around a mythic.
What we need is a top lane fix, where we get to impact the game at a equal share without having to just build hullbreaker and mindlessly split push. That bull shot item is a downfall of mythic system.
We need AP items that do what their ad counter items do. There is no meaningful decision making made as an AP caster you just build x to y to z item and boom done.
AP bruisers need real items that help them do what they are supposed to do.
Lastly we need to quit trying to make a marksman, a melee, an assassin and AP champ for every lane and every role that also requires forced bs items or gimmicky passive that break the game to make work. Examples would be Nilah passive, Senna and special sickle not being needed which made all those bs adc supports, and pyke who is a terrible champion and has to get ahead to do anything and has gimmicky mechanics.
Enough of those champions people don’t want anymore of that.