I’ve started watching league esports after his prime, but of course I’ve heard about his 2015-2017 era. The Riven / Master Yi / Olaf mid, the 5 games of Galio against RNG even tho I couldn’t witness it.
So I’ve been wondering after the JDG series : is he back at the top again ? Or was there something more about him that he doesn’t have anymore ?
One thing to consider is that in league specifically as the players are learning and optimizing how to play the game they are raising the baseline level of play. You see this in solo queue with the average gold lee sin being able to insec when it wasn’t conceivable 10 years ago.
I say this to say that Faker now is most definitely a better player than he ever was simply because he’s still at the top and the level of play is way higher than it was in 2017. He’s doing so many things that we can’t physically see for his team which was evident by their dramatic drop in ranking when he left.