This is an attempt to learn and hear everyones thoughts so please be kind, even though I seem like a dummy. :)

What are your thoughts on what Philly will do to Travis Kelce to cover him? Now, I haven’t watched the games again, but it seemed the Dolphins and Broncos both double and triple teamed Travis- Rich Risen said Miami was “mauling” him - which forces Pat to attempt throws to the other receivers, who can’t be trusted not to eff it up. Is this what teams have figured out they need to do to eliminate 87 as a threat? He had low production those last 2 games. Is this worrisome at all?

I welcome as detailed as answers as possible…

  • stevebredditB
    10 months ago

    As an Eagles’ fan:

    What I WANT to see happen: Double-cover him at all times, with CB1 or CB2 and a LB or safety. Bradberry hasn’t been playing well this year, but he’s at least a bigger corner.

    What will likely ACTUALLY happen: They will do a lot of different things, including some single coverage. And they won’t stick CB1 / CB2 on him. Which unfortunately means there will be times it’s Kelce against some terrible linebacker or rookie safety or 4th string slot CB. And Mahomes will find him repeatedly.

    I would be SHOCKED if Kelce isn’t over 100 yards this game, tbh. Kelce is a unique talent that just happens to excel in the Eagles’ weakest area.

    Best odds for the Eagles are if, unlike in the SB, they can get consistent pressure on Mahomes. Even if they do, I STILL think he’ll get his. I just think that may be the difference between him being perfect and him making a few mistakes.