After the crazy amount of work Yuumi, Zeri and K’sante provides for the developers I would like to point out 1 champion who is just as overloaded as them and yet she caused close to no issues besides toning down here and there.

Naafiri is the best girl we could have ever recevie and I do believe she is overloaded

Why? :

  • % damage based on missing HP (Q2 into targets whom you landed Q1 or on any bleed)
  • Point and Click dash to target which also gets slowed upon connecting (W)
  • Targeted Dash which also deals massive damage (E)
  • R:
  1. Summons 2-3-4 pets
  2. Grants vision in surrounding area for 2 seconds and reveal enemies
  3. Gains Bonus Movement Speed ( 70 / 85 / 100%). Decays over 4 sec.
  4. Gains Bonus Attack Damage (5 / 15 / 25 (+ 8 / 16 / 24% AD)
  5. Pets Hp is increased by 25%
  6. Reduces W cooldown by 50%
  7. Increases W’s cast range with every rank (80 / 160 / 240)
  8. First AA or ability hitting an enemy grants you shield
  9. First takedown refreshes all these abilities

For first read these seems pretty loaded together but the spells are extremely balanced out, if that wording can be applied here with good amount of built in weaknesses where it matters.

Q projectile is surpisingly slow and relative thin which allows room for dodging/missing the ability. W can be interrupted by any champions who stand between you and the target. Trust me it’s not a pleasant surprise when Nautilus flashes between you and Ashe. E is fine. R is…well its R.

Her late game is extremely strong, as should be the case with a scaler champion but she does not feel too much of an issue, for an assassin because you need to do things teh assasin way. Flank, look for squishy targets, kill ADC. Assassins skill floor is always a bit higher than regular champions.

When she was released I expected a mix of every existing Assassin with x2 the power and mobility budget. But the result is really fine.

When you compare Naafiri to the champions like Gwen, The Hystory of Akali Yuumi, Zeri, Ksante, Sylas (yes a champ with 3 dash, gap closer, heal, and 4 different damage ability just on it’s base kit does feel overloaded especially if he yoinks a malphite or swain R) she does not feel as unbearably overloaded.

And I really hope we will see more of this type of design. Sure she is notthe too popular thanks to the nerfs and meta not too kind to her but overall she is pretty cool.