• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • you ll play counter to anything i’ll say.

    Because what you say does not give the full picture of the champion.

    • If you say she is super strong then why she is the 4th least picked mage average?
    • E spamm only works if she lands Q which is not difficult dodge especially with dash champions
    • Huge HP is fault of the items shes relied to build. Luden is not optimal and even Liandry is 2nd only to RoA which IMO is the shittiest item in game. You will see next season where there are no gargoyle and HP on most items when burst meta will be at its highest.
    • AH is naturally built into the items so I have no concern in that area but the lack of boots and the horribly distributed MS and Pwerbudget does gives huge handicap for the champ.

    My verdict to you: Just because someone is in dia it does not give them allmighty knowledge on the game. It just makes their opinion louder regardless of how inaccurate it is.

  • She should never be a champion you can play every game just because she has 3.5k health can build stone plate and also massacrate you with E spam.

    She has huge HP because she builds HP items because she has no better options. DO you think it’s the sign of health that a mage need to rely Gargoyle and Zhonya and Anathema as last items to function at all?

    Oriana Syndra Ziggs Xerath Azir

    Another incorrect take. In the past 4 years we have been through all kind of meta from super melee to super high range ones and gues what Cassio did amazingly in every meta.

    Current meta is not that different from any other except the more cool and modern stuff gets implemented and more champs getting updated it’s clear too see how outdated champion getting into the gutters.

    Otherwise her pick rate would have barely moved from 3,5-4,5%.