I have an idea for a startup that would require a LOT of communication with manufacturers in China—enough to be a full-time job.

I feel like someone who knows the language and culture would be the best option, as they will need to build a business relationship and trust, and have the wherewithal to be able to judge the trustworthiness/sincerity/credibility of those manufacturers. I.e., a Chinese person—preferably one with some experience dealing with manufacturers.

There are many Chinese immigrants here in the U.S., but I don’t know anyone personally who would fit the description and would be open to partnering on a startup.

Aside from the obvious, but broad and vague answer (“network!”), give me some advice on how you have, or would, gone about seeking a partner that’s not already in your network. How would you gauge trust or faith in that person once you’ve connected with them?

Open to any relevant advice that considers alternatives to my train of thought.

  • suzieq80014OPB
    10 months ago

    Yes, an option like this is likely a stepping stone. As mentioned in another comment, I wouldn’t pursue a partner without proof of concept and cash flow. I’m sure I’d need contracted help at some point along the way.

    I wouldn’t be sourcing products, per se. But the people I’d need to speak with will often be the same as if I were.