So I was playing a ranked game and randomly two teammates decide they have had enough and leave the game entirely even though we were in a really good spot. Anyway, the game goes on for another 15 minutes and ofcourse, the enemy team stomps us 5v3. How in the hell is it fair to lose MMR that game? Okay sure, let the enemy team gain MMR normally, but why in the hell should my rating suffer because of two knuckleheads that made the game literally impossible to win.

  • Capable-Year9741B
    10 months ago

    It is not fair, it happens to all of us and we have no control over it, honestly you need to learn to deal with it and move on. Yesterday I had a game were some guy didnt get his role, so he went down mid, fed first blood and abandoned, giving us all -30 mmr in 2 minutes. Realistically what can we do? Nothing, unhinged people like that will always exist, but if you climb enough mmr you will encounter them less and less. Just learn to move on from those things without giving it too much thought as much as it sucks to think about it that way.