So I was playing a ranked game and randomly two teammates decide they have had enough and leave the game entirely even though we were in a really good spot. Anyway, the game goes on for another 15 minutes and ofcourse, the enemy team stomps us 5v3. How in the hell is it fair to lose MMR that game? Okay sure, let the enemy team gain MMR normally, but why in the hell should my rating suffer because of two knuckleheads that made the game literally impossible to win.

  • verytoxicbehaviourB
    10 months ago

    You can’t do shit about it. People here will say oh long term, short term, give you all sorts of bullshit motivational speeches and tell you how it’s fine , you suck ( which is probably true, but really doesn’t matter) - reality is that you need to spam A LOT of games.

    Look at grubby, bot mmr to Immortal with 52% winrate. You will get griefers especially in low mmr and sometimes they are not “griefers” per reddits standards , but will pick non-meta, useless heros , lose 2 lanes, you will get ganked , chased around jungle in yours until you lose eventually.

    Until higher mmr you will get streaks of people who will play for “fun” - read pudge 5 , lion 5, literally auto loss picks that will watch how every single building falls or just straight up feed 10 kills in 5min. You should not give a fuck, you can’t change it , you can’t do shit about it, focus on your own game, improve slightly, keep a good 51-52% winrate , you will climb over the period of a year.