Happychimenoises has made a lot of videos about off meta picks like sion invade smite support, pyke mid, yuumi top, etc that reach high elo. Since many players like to stick to the meta rather than find creative ways theirself, I wonder what are some off meta picks, their runes, build, playstyle that makes them playable enough to be considered not troll. (e.g Something like crit nunu or full ap darius is troll)
Renata viego for bot duos is literally sick combo and its somehow offmeta i guess xdAP kog mid is very solid, cdr ap skarner jg is also really nice with huge dmg output from ap scaling and solid 4s+ cc on double stun combo
Evil for lower elos (my elo, high plat) is malz as APC with some other pusher tear > rylai rush is absolutly disgusting