Happychimenoises has made a lot of videos about off meta picks like sion invade smite support, pyke mid, yuumi top, etc that reach high elo. Since many players like to stick to the meta rather than find creative ways theirself, I wonder what are some off meta picks, their runes, build, playstyle that makes them playable enough to be considered not troll. (e.g Something like crit nunu or full ap darius is troll)
Camille mid, also absolutely shits on Kassadin which is a bonus
Sion Jungle is really funny because he actually gets more W stacks than in lanes (Krugs are really broken for that), his ganks post 6 are also really strong.
Theres a shit ton of melee tops that are viable mid as long as youre playing against another melee, Rumble and Renekton are some of the less off meta ones but almost any melee fighter can work.
His clear is also really good after the first one. The first one is a tiny bit slow but he can still get to scuttle shortly after it spawns.
Whenever I see Yasuo or yone mid and I’m feeling particularly spiteful I just lock camille mid, that shit gets so funny.
Malphite jungle. His clear is healthy and good
Karma top. Even into people who can engage on her, like darius, cam, renekton, irellia, and riven, Karma can shield, empowered w and then walk away, usually. She can be built full ap, ap bruiser, or tank.
Teemo supp, mid, and jg. On hit teemo, Tank teemo, assassin teemo(ap and ad, into some teamcomps. AP assassin- ludens, lich, nashors, rabadons- works well into adc and mage type squishies, ad assassin works well into melee non-tanks, like Riven top, Yi jg, Talon mid, Vayne adc and pyke supp)
Cocaine mundo is still kinda fun. Borderline viable.
Enchanter Orianna support. Ori has insane utility even without AP. Massive speed/slow, decent shield that gives a bunch of bonus resists, one of the best teamfight ults in the game. I build Shureliyas into whatever you want. Her early lane isnt the strongest, but her poke with aery and scorch is really annoying into low range matchups
Renata viego for bot duos is literally sick combo and its somehow offmeta i guess xdAP kog mid is very solid, cdr ap skarner jg is also really nice with huge dmg output from ap scaling and solid 4s+ cc on double stun combo
Evil for lower elos (my elo, high plat) is malz as APC with some other pusher tear > rylai rush is absolutly disgusting
Jhin mid into Malzahar
Lethality Quinn mid and Tank Karma top. Those are my fav. They will win almost every match up early game and then have a higher tempo playstyle than most other mids and tops to snowball the game. Lethality Quinn also scales really well if you run gathering storm and absolute focus cuz with Ghostblade buffs it’s giga broken. You will kill any squishy in just two auto attacks. 1 auto = 70% of a squishy champs hp.
As a notorious off meta enjoyer things I have discovered were
Renekton support (A tier if you count Leona as S)
Fizz support (B tier at your rank, S tier in 1-2 ranks below)
Brand top (if you want enemy top to ragequit)
Ap Jax jungle (Luden + Lich bane burst is amazing)
Support Teemo on a team with at least 1 frontline and cc in other roles.
Super strong vision and objective zoning with shrooms. Bot gank prevention. Strong early game damage for bully/trades and free passive AS stim. Good movement for roaming to get wards up.
Sorcs is not ideal on teemo following the durability patch update. I think swifties or zerkers are generally better unless they have a teamcomp for a resistance boot or genuinely no tanks and aren’t building MR, in which cases sorcs becomes just ok.
given that your main tools as a support teemo are your q and ult, cdr boots would be the best option
I used to play Jax support, went like 8-2 or 7-3 in plat/emerald. It has great all in and trades but struggles vs poke. Also On two items you are just another carry in your team and serious threat for adc and squishes.
Blah I played VS Sion Support Jungle the other day, it was disgusting. He took all one side and I was perma-invaded on the other side. Not only that but the rare times I killed Sion his passive did enough damage that I was never healthy enough to gank. Ended up falling behind by three levels and got abused in text chat by team in a 25 minute loss. Fun.
I have a really OP situational pick that I don’t see mentioned here. I am reluctant to share because it is legitimately strong enough to see play and I don’t want to spread the cancer.
Zac in pretty much every lane