What riot ( and the casual playerbase) wants and what the more competitive playerbase wants is very easily achievable with the ping system

Simply, just let the *first ping towards allies items/alive/Cooldowns be visible to everyone and the rest be visible to ONLY to you, with a reset

Also, let the default setting be “ally pings off”.

I’m sure almost everyone here has at some point seen their jungler not doing anything, their adc building no LDR, etc. And we’ve all wanted to flame the ever living sh-

I mean *constructively point out their mistakes, but also at other times wanted to tell someone to wait for an ally Renata ult, or Rell ult etc for a play making

I personally heavily dislike spam pinging/clutter and more often than not can focus better on my gameplay with a /deafen (very rarely was communication better in the old system) so I’m a fan of the changes

But, communication is super important in a team based game, and the high elo community relies very much on pings so maybe a simple compromise like this would work