Depends on stacks
The more stacks Bel’veth has, the more champions she can fight 1 vs 1
For example, Yi starts getting out-stat checked when she hits around the 150~200 stacks
But then again, that’s every infinitely scaling champion
Depends on stacks
The more stacks Bel’veth has, the more champions she can fight 1 vs 1
For example, Yi starts getting out-stat checked when she hits around the 150~200 stacks
But then again, that’s every infinitely scaling champion
Maybe he’ll have a single teammate that can speak english during champ select & in-game
LP gain is much better this way
Can you imagine if someone like TF Blade was stuck in silver - gold mmr for weeks? How many games he would terrorize before the algorithm puts him in master-grandmaster tier?
At least the way it is now, if he winstreaks HARD, he’ll get back to where he deserves to be
This doesn’t even happen that often
And even if it does, regular people are as toxic as well OP
Source: I play in emerald, spectate my friends and their plat-emerald games
At the end of the day, the odds of someone with massive skill differential (think a challenger player) playing in these lobbies are nil
On the other hand, old “smurf queue” GENUINELY had challengers and grandmasters playing with people who were coming back to the game/had less than 100 ranked games per split
With how much lp you get per win honestly? You should be able to get to Diamond if you only consistently play on your main and avoid these people if they’re an issue
Unless you’re complaining as someone who’s also making a new account
Most esports games have been ruined by the community for me
Valorant, League of legends. Especially the incessant crying & whining which gets my favorite characters nerfed into the ground
But at the same time, I’ve fallen in love with other gaming communites like Paradox’s Stellaris, Tynan Sylvester’s Rimworld, Project Zomboid, Battle brothers etc
They’ve offered lots of advice, community challenges and genuinely encourage you even when you’re a newb
In general singleplayer game communities > multiplayer game communities
Good change
It wasn’t good gameplay to ignore 55% of a stat because of 2 items
Imagine farming 300 cs a tank, building 200 armor with that gold, but then you only have 85 armor that matters because of 2 items ( that also are decent in stats on their own)
Blud is yapping
Try playing vs Hullbreaker Jax/Fiora as a tank and let me know how much fun it is
Whenever i see a tank locked in the enemy team i smile as i see a “free laning phase, free splitpush, free win”
If the tank groups? I take 3 towers and 1 vs 2 later
They really should do something about his ult tbh
Even turning it into a skillshot (that has a windup, but you can flash mid-cast to make sure it always lands like Ahri charm) would be an appropriate high elo buff while not breaking him in low elo tbh
Even better if his ult actually pushed enemies away from him instead of just grounding them in place (think like a repulsor beam/Old asol ult)
That away, his kit makes more sense of being an anti-carry champ that can push back a fed assasssin/bruiser and open up creativity to look for cool insec plays etc
His passive should 100% refresh when he casts R and that’s higher skill expression (baiting spells etc)
“How are you gonna keep him balanced for low elo?” Just hit his flat numbers
“Arghh, I hate playing vs Malz!! He should never be strong afhachaahsif”
And I hate playing vs windshitters and Sylas, but they’re in like 90% of my games. It’s not wrong to want a champion to have a higher skill cap/more outplay tools
Plenty of champions have 0 punish windows trading patents though
What’s wrong with an immobile mage with no gap closers and a weak silence benefitting more from trades and lane interaction?
People acting like pinging would do anything anyway lol
I’ve gotten 100s of “ping me one more time and I Int” from the level 32 account players with 8 wins 6 losses that act with massive egos
The ping system change barely affects anything in the game, you guys act like your teammates are Angels that respond to pings when in reality most of them just type /muteall.
The ones that aren’t asshats already have a working brain and pay attention to the map anyway.
If anything I can’t tell you how many times I get a “Zed mia” callout over-flooded by “Adc - alive” 15 times over. Or a “Asshat smurf - signals to bait” 15 times in my chat blocking out flash timers
Ping changes are good
Just wait for Next season I’d say but
They’re not really buffing armor items nor are they deleting lethal tempo (overpowered broken af rune) so idk what to tell you