What do y’all think about our Shopify store?

Any recommendations on improvements?

Here at Smash Supply we want to ensure customers have the highest performance for the best prices. If you’re tired of low-quality equipment then you’re in the right place.


  • eyalaneB
    10 months ago

    Maybe I’m naive, but I do not get thinking that throwing up a sketchy site as a drop shipper for 2-3x what Amazon is charging will get you business.

    If you want to give off the impression that you actually care about the products, try just a little harder. If someone is looking for a specific product on your site, they’re going to get 10-20 other ways to order the same product first and it seems like for a whole lot less money. People who are going to spend a premium for a small business are doing so because they want to support the brand or people behind it. If those two things aren’t in play, someone is going to find the cheapest and/or most convenient option.