Looking into it and realising I have no intention of upgrading to the OLED, it’s made me question what it would take for me to trade in my OG deck for an upgrade.

The big 3 for me would be Freesync, 90hz refresh rate (with VRR for lower speeds, 30, 60 and 90 would be a dream) and USB4 with eGPU support.

What about you guys?

  • DoggfiteB
    1 年前

    I actually wasn’t going to upgrade, I saw a bunch of posts about the OLED screen on here and that didn’t really matter that much to me. But yesterday I actually took a second to look at the steam website and see the specs for the new one. I bought the highest specced deck last year, and so comparing that to the new OLED one, I’ll get twice the memory (I already have too many microSD cards for it), a bigger battery (I almost exclusively play on battery), better wifi (which has been the biggest pain in the ass for me, I have almost gigabit wifi but I’m lucky to ever see speeds exceeding 100mbps), and then the OLED screen is just icing at that point.

    I also damaged and need to replace both bumpers on my current steam deck, so I like the idea of just upgrading and then being able to fix this one and not worry if it takes me a couple of days or longer to get it done between work and life, and then sell it or maybe give it to a friend or family member for the upcoming holidays.

    Plus, I’ve put at least like 800 hours on this deck since I got it, fuck after the next couple Netflix price hikes I’ll probably spend more per hour on Netflix than I did per hour for the deck (as someone who plays a lot more deck than watches Netflix, but still).