Now my collection is finally complete! After over a year of trying out all sorts of heirlooms and expensive purchases, i finally have a watch that is true perfection! It was an anniversary gift from my girlfriend yesterday. I barely dropped a million hints to get it, just like with the orient kamasu which i got for my birthday.
And just like with the kamasu, she actually surprised me by doing it slightly wrong. Getting me this dark colour instead of the silver one i wanted (and the vintage kamasu instead of the standard one). And in both cases i actually ended up liking it more. Maybe because of the personal touch from her or maybe she just has better taste than me. Who knows.
Now my collection is finally complete! After over a year of trying out all sorts of heirlooms and expensive purchases, i finally have a watch that is true perfection! It was an anniversary gift from my girlfriend yesterday. I barely dropped a million hints to get it, just like with the orient kamasu which i got for my birthday.
And just like with the kamasu, she actually surprised me by doing it slightly wrong. Getting me this dark colour instead of the silver one i wanted (and the vintage kamasu instead of the standard one). And in both cases i actually ended up liking it more. Maybe because of the personal touch from her or maybe she just has better taste than me. Who knows.