Some of u might know me from my streamS I play Kassadin , Recently I returned to league and played kassadin again(fucking terrible btw) so I started playing rakan and hit challanger Elo ok , ok so , tell me why the fuck i come bakc again 6 days ago and kassadin is nerfed yet MR raken is still op as ever not touched (not to mention Xayah and kasia) , riot constantly permaban me for no reason but ok ok to the point now , I am Challanger EUW constantly so I think I have some jurisdiction or whatever you call it to speak on this but riot is listening to low elo players on reddit and not Pro players or Ex pros like Nemesis for example for Feedback to make the game better they are just picking things from low iq redditors who are most likely gold - diamond XD , SO last night I had a dream that I saw phreak having a nice day chilling drinking his coffee at the cafe and then I walked up boom left hook and hes just laying there bleeding on the ground and he says “wtf why did u do that man” and I didnt tell him why , I just told him to retire from his job.
I wonder how Koreans feel about Phreak making changes to league , he is not smart like them or chinese player ,
Take your meds
Yea no one knows who StreamS is, and after this post no one is going to tune in.
Did you really just say Kassadin was weak lol