Both the mains and the players who have to play against Malzahar are frustrated. I will go over each Passive and Ability in regards to what the general opinion is based on the subreddit and then I will also write down a few ideas that they have also had for potential changes or solutions to lessen the frustration on either end.


Passive: Void Shift

  • Some agree that it is a nice touch for him since he is an immobile mage.

  • The general majority agree that it doesn’t fit his character or doesn’t flow with the rest of his abilities.

Q: Call of the Void

  • Overall everyone agrees that this is his most perfect ability, it’s slow but rewarding, gives vision of the area and offers a powerful AoE Silence.

W: Void Swarm

  • The opinion here is rather mixed, some like that they can spam endless minions in high AH builds but others like myself agree that Voidlings shouldn’t be an ability (maybe a Passive of some sort), because this ability has a very feast or famine feeling.

  • But they also agree that a lot of his damage shouldn’t be tied to Voidlings, given how unreliable they are due to being balloons that pop by anything that hits them, alongside the short duration they have, and the high mana cost.

E: Malefic Visions

  • While opponents don’t like this ability the mains agree that this ability is solid for the most part but there are areas for improvement as well as potential to make it a bit less frustrating.

R: Nether Grasp

  • The mains miss having the Null Zone on W, and don’t like the amount of power budget that is in this ability because often teammates only care for him to ult someone and that’s it.
  • Players against Malzahar also hate this ability.


Ideas the mains have had that are worth exploring:

  • [P] Should Malzahar’s Passive stay as is, they wanted to see the Damage Reduction removed in favor of having high damage or basic attacks not to disable the shield and have it be more so a Banshee’s Veil CC Shield kind of thing.

  • [P] Making his Shield CD not reset upon taking damage.

  • [P] Since Malzahar has to get quite close to enemies when casting abilities they also suggested for the Shield to reappear when he casts R, so that at least Malzahar’s channeling wouldn’t be cancelled instantly by 100s of CC’s that are in the game.

  • [P - Overhaul] Swapping out his current Passive for his E, so that all of his abilities apply Malefic Visions in general, so it’s not a point to click effect and Malzahar actually lands his abilities to apply it.

  • [E & W] With the change above to also give him a new fresh E ability, and W being the Null Zone from R which would be a semi mix of W Voidling Spawn & current Passive where he gains the Shield in the Null Zone.

  • [E] Functioning similarly to Ryze E except it starts with one target, if it dies, it jumps to one additional target and if they both die it jumps to one additional target again and so on and so forth (the number of targets it would jump to is based on level or ability rank).

  • [E] Increasing the range of spreading by a tiny bit because often the targets Malzahar would want to target often just get out of the edge of the jump range.

  • [E] Increasing the execute threshold on targets under E effect because the current amount is so tiny that minion attacks outdamage it and most mains agree that this execute in it’s current form is quite literally useless.

  • [P] Looking into the possibility of having his W be his Passive again and his current Void Shift Passive be an ability where it’s more like a skilled, timed ability where he phases out into the Void for a few seconds becoming untargetable for a few seconds, essentially a defensive ability.

  • [W] Moving his R Null Zone to W, and have Voidlings spawn from it or have Voidlings spawn out of a smaller Null Zone.

  • [W] Having more different types of scaling rather than just the ability increasing their duration.

  • [R] Making his Voidling Stacks be consumed during R, so when he casts it he spawns them, and it not being tied to just W.

  • [R] Exchanging his R potentially for a different ultimate ability despite it being quite memorable, or reducing the CC power of that ability for more damage in exchange.

  • [Q] Having Q not only refresh the Malefic Vision effect but also deal the rest of it’s damage and reapply a new Malefic Visions after.


What do you all think about this champion?

  • Common-ScientistB
    10 months ago

    Yorick - 47% winrate at E+

    Yorick mains: “Yorick needs a rework where his W instant kills everyone inside and spawns a new Maiden with no cap to number of Maidens spawned!”

    Source: Yorick main

  • Quatro_LechesB
    10 months ago

    I liked his old Q and vodlings more. although his old Q was same as his new Q just less upfront damage than reapply E.

    problem with this champion is his passive. most champs can’t do anything to him and its annoying combined with the endless push. they should make it not reduce damage but have the cc immunity.

    they should bring back old voidlings and nerf his passive that way.

  • TheBluestManB
    10 months ago

    Honestly I’m seeing more and more champion mains being unhappy with their champions and it’s quite concerning for the game.

  • kammos_B
    10 months ago

    I used to like old Malz

    New one I don’t love to play as or against. His passive shield makes him way too safe, frustrating his enemies and so everything else he does has to be too weak to be enjoyable for the player.

    Worse of all this shield is so counterintuitive (hit him and than wait a little, WTF) that new/bad players don’t understand what to do at all, so he is perma S-tier in bronze thanks to failed knowledge checks.

    Not sure why this particular rework was not reverted completely or partially years ago TBH.

  • glikejdashB
    10 months ago

    I would like W to be a new ability or Null zone back and tie Lings to E, like hitting a target that is afflicted with E with another damaging ability pops a Voidling out of them. You’d get more on an ulted target and less on the waves so his overall identity remains the anti carry lane pusher but puts more power into his 1v1 rather than his uninteractive laning.

  • Zealousideal_Year405B
    10 months ago

    I mean like… the ulti could be turned into a skillshot of some sorts to give it more power somewhere in the kit

    Example: W will be kind of like a Velkoz E knockup, with a super short duration. Voidlings would spawn from there (Could be a great tool to setup a skillshot ulti and keep a chain cc going)

  • TheSlader42B
    10 months ago

    I think he is quite boring to play with and against. I don’t think he is particularly strong or weak just he requires no interaction in lane and still gets a gold lead. He is pretty easy to counter but it requires resources that you’d rather dedicate to a more dangerous champ. Like who are you going to want gank as a jungler, the 0/0/0 Malzahar who somehow has a sizable gold lead or a top lane Aatrox who if you punish early won’t be as oppressive late.

  • Gaia_Knight2600B
    10 months ago

    i enjoy playing malzahar, but i feel like im borderline trolling by picking him.

    he feels so weak. you do no damage before getting liandrys and his range is very low due to how strong wave clear you have. its very clear that riot gutted malzahars oneshot potential when they did the mage reworks. i dont know how many times ive tried to oneshot someone with full combo and it just doesnt work. it used to be way more consistent back in the day.

    voidlings die to easily, and your waveclear is much weaker when your opponent can just kill them by looking in their general direction. and they should make voidlings spawn instantly again, i refuse to believe he will be op without the small delay.

    i agree taking damage shouldt reset passive cooldown, this always bugs me. i like the other ideas. i definitely think something needs to be done to make malzahar feel better to play.

  • threlnari97B
    10 months ago

    This is some straight delulu shit and I have 1 mil mastery on malz - is this parody?

  • alone_sheepB
    10 months ago

    I wish his Voidlings were passive, spawned every time E hits a new target, (so on initial cast and each spread. Then he actually would be the shove master as each minom kill would spawn a new Voidling and he would not be outpushed by so many champs that can insta clear his Voidlings.

  • Other_Buddy_792B
    10 months ago

    This was one of the first champions I played, but I stopped playing with it, the champion depends a lot on the team to function, if the team doesn’t have a good JG to gank the mid, especially at the beginning of the game, the doll becomes a minion to the enemy team

  • ndeservingB
    10 months ago

    Not Enough Data for Phreak. He got outplayed by Malz! Malz is op!

  • Ok_Regular_9436B
    10 months ago

    the 2016 version of malzahar with super strong voidlings was the most fun one imo, but it was also broken i guess.

    there was just something cool about playing around refreshing your disease and having your voidlings fight for you, you just enable them.

  • wildfox9tB
    10 months ago

    [P] Making his Shield CD not reset upon taking damage.

    to this day I still cannot figure out what is the point of this mechanic especially on banshee veil and crown

    if they are really afraid of the CD coming up mid-fight for some reason just make so the CD is halted for 2 seconds while taking damage,but having the passive juuuuust about to come up and taking some cheap damage from some random AoE and resetting the CD feels so bad

  • AlfredBarnesB
    10 months ago

    I actually love playing against Malz.

    Has defined strengths and weaknesses. He warps the game around him in an interesting way that is more strategy based than just fast buttons.

    Some of his scaling’s could be differing I’m sure but his kit feels nice both thematically and gameplaywise:

    The only change i’d want to see that i think could be cool would be him being able to place his W and the voidlings come out of a % damage zone control pool.