The moment you get aghanim, no one in your team dies during teamfights for 9 whole seconds… (except of there’s an AA or Doom ofc)

Make it 18 seconds if you have refresher.

If you have some cd reduction neutral item/octarine, you have your ulti ready every 40 seconds (minus the borrowed time duration = 31 seconds)

With Holy Locket, you can literally insta heal 400 hp with one 4sec cd mist coil. What is this…?

Only downside is that I find abba support a bit useless early game. Pretty weak harass. So maybe that’s why I don’t see him more often.

  • niztaoHB
    10 months ago

    I agree with you. He’s my go to 5 if my 1 thinks about picking a ranged carry. I prioritise Holy Locket over Aghs though. Aghs is just a nice 30 min bonus when I can get it.

    It’s even better when enemies try to kill you first (as they should) because it takes so damn long. Pray enemies don’t pick Axe though.