and I noticed that the Broncos seemed to have an unusual amount of drives that started on the opponents side of the field. This is obviously a good way to get big wins. I looked closer and this is what I found.

In the last three games, the Broncos had 31 possessions. 11 of those possessions started on the other side of their own 45 yd line. Many of them well into the opponent’s side of the field.

The results of those drives: 5 TDs 3 FGs 2 Fumbles 1 Punt

That’s a pretty good conversion rate with such good field position.

Then there’s the possessions that did not have the benefit of such good starting field position. Keeping the 45 yd line as the border, there were 20 drives that started behind their own 45 yd line.

The results of those drives: 1 TD (Packers) 6 FGs
11 Punts
1 Fumble
1 Blocked FG

FGs are points on the board and that’s something, but to only be able to score 1 TD in 3 games unless you’re starting from midfield or better is a standout stat to me.

Broncos have taken 10 turnovers in these last 3 games. Turnovers are always a huge part of the game anyway but looking at the relevance of field position here, turnovers are everything.

Will be interesting to see how it plays out on Sunday.

  • OldBrokeGrouchB
    10 months ago

    The defense is carrying this team on its back just like last year. They got off to arguably the worst start ever, but definitely have turned it around. Last year, we all just wished we even had a mediocre offense. Well…here we are with a mediocre offense and an elite defense and games are getting won.

  • HarvardHoodieB
    10 months ago

    Payton has had to simplify his scheme for Russ to the point we are a dink and dunk offense, that typically doesn’t work very well (see Ridder, Z.Wilson). Our passing game has felt pretty 1 dimensional since the Jets game.

  • Narcan9B
    10 months ago

    Mims played 52 snaps and had a total of… ONE TARGET