This is a common theme among my friend group so I thought about asking this on Reddit!

Is there a particular game that you THINK about playing but doing so in actuality is kind of boring?

With me, sometimes I “romanticize” playing this game called Warno on Steam. However, when I go to actually play it, I get exhausted trying to relearn the controls and the whole match setup process so I quit.

In my head, it’s more fun to play! But when I go to actually play it, I get bored or I just don’t have the tolerance to play it.

What game is better in your mind than it is in real life?

Does this happen to you?

  • bcatcB
    10 months ago

    Street fighter 6. Got it and only ever play it 5 minutes at a time because I find it so overwhelming to learn and practicing inputs felt too repetitive to do while staring at my backlog of other games. I went so far as buying a stick as well since I grew up with SF2.