i see why so many people play exclusively ARAM. You can put your music in the backkground and chill, play for 20 minutes without really worrying too much about winning and yet is competitive enough
This has some “I rush Thornmail no matter how many mages the other team has” vibes.
I played a full year of just ARAM and it was a lot of fun chasing certain challenger level tokens tbh. Was like rank 322 for S tier games and stuff.
ARAM is for making friends and chit chatting and that’s a ton of fun
I would like to have 15s at the end of champion select where you cant change champions, but see the the enemy comp.
Hmmm I did that. With Twisted Treeline, sure. THAT was chill and competitive at the same time. RIP :')
Is it just me who finally gets a normal team fight comp with frontline, adc, mage, engage and bruiser so I think we’re gonna win for sure but the enemy team is 5 poke mage with cc(morgana, zoe, varus, brand, xerath) and the game is completely unplayable. Literally break our tier 2 at 10 minutes and we get chunked under tower so hard we can’t even defend