• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • Ordinarily I think having strengths and weaknesses is good, but in modern League the last thing I want is to rely on a specific member of the team to kill certain enemies. It’s a LITTLE bit like this overall and that’s fine, but I don’t want to be even more reliant on others. People just tilt and give up way too easily atm/they’re not used to this kind of gameplay since it’s been years and it will take a year+ for them to realign their vision of the game and for giga tilting to stop happening. (Since games are currently longer than the first half of this year, there’s been uptick in that tilting :-))

  • My hot take:
    Jungle was strong because they got gold gain to make up for a lack of experience, which lead to being a mid-game powerhouse if you farmed well(spam ganking was a low ELO thing and overall worse outside of a few champs that were so overtuned that they broke the game with their snowballing(Kindred at times)) -> Nerf both experience and gold gain, meaning they have no choice but to farm efficiently in order to be consistent -> Nerf pings so leading for wins is harder(There are stats showing that the Jungler who pings more tends to win more) -> Nerf options for playmaking.

    I like that we’re getting nerfed cooldowns because it was over the top and didn’t matter if anyone misplayed because they had low cooldowns, I like that we’re going back a bit to longer games, but one thing that Riot (and most players?) don’t realise is that longer games on its own already takes agency away from Junglers and puts it onto the laners and that no one likes losing games because one person got caught out stupidly in the late game. In my experience, laners actually got dumber in regards to macro play(objective control, lane assignments, etc) as well as CSing because of shorter games and all the CDR in the game, so I imagine next year is going to be PAINFUL for Junglers as laners are going to actually have to play the map and CS properly in order to win. Then you can’t really ping players to direct them to where they need to be because of the max 3-4 pings of a certain type (It already annoys me that I can’t ping what I think the enemy Jungler’s path is)

    All of these changes are like quad big nerfs to the role. I hope they at least return some experience and/or gold to the role. It feels like we are going back to season 5 League but with a nerfed Jungle. Perhaps supportive Jungle meta will come back with the odd cheese Kayn hanging about.

    Top is very strong right now even though they all complain about it. Tower gold changes gave it a small buff and now these map changes give it another buff, bit weird?

    On a side note, all those players who tilt to the point of giving up and griefing by afk farming a lane, getting caught out, not responding to the map/neutral objectives and etc are going to ruin even more games next year. I hope Riot start punishing them…

  • RDKiOPBtoLeague Of Legends@level-up.zoneWorlds capsules were useless?
    10 months ago

    I am noticing that a whole lot of people have all the emotes and don’t understand how - I am 17 champs away from having all the champs through buying the vast majority of them through shards, but nowhere near close to having all the emotes and icons… those are both things I don’t care about as well. I just want champs and skins.