So I watched 2013 worlds final today where Faker won his first title. What striked me was the presence of Corki on adc. Don’t take me wrong, I’ve been playing since season 1 so I am very well aware that he’s been played on bot lane before. But it’s that I haven’t encountered a single game with corki for like past 2 months. The champ has been completely abandoned by both riot and his player base it seems.
What other champions come to your mind that give you “omg it’s still in the game?” vibe? I know skarner is/was one of these champs but you can still see some OTPs carrying with scorpion from time to time.
I never See a kog maw or urgot
Corki, Quinn, Dr. Mundo, Zilean for me
Ryze for sure. Probably haven’t even seen a Ryze this year
Why do I not see Yorick in the comments? Is he always getting picked?
I could never forget Corki. His Damage is so obnoxious. I think the whole roster is super memorable tbh. Even Skarner is memorable since he’s not memorable. Before rework Urgot, Yorik and Aatrox used to be forgetten by me but after all the reworks all the champs are super iconic.
Trundle and Corki. Literally saw a trundle yesterday for the first time in MONTHS and was like “oh shit YEAH this champ exists”. He’s just such a boring and braindead skill expressionless stat checker and not played a lot so he’s very easy to forget
Jhin i think he’s underrated they only picked him once , same with Zac jungle he’s also underrated
Zed. Everyone bans him, but when he’s available I see no one play him.
For me it would be Ryze. I swear I’ve played more games against Yorick this season than Ryze.
That is because you probably don’t play aram.
funniest thing is that corki is one of the absolute best scaling adcs/apcs but players refuse to even try him out botlane. I see no reason why he could not work. but that’s not the funny part, funny part is that i saw basically everything at this point being played as “adc”: brand, swain, tham kench, rengar, yasuo, pantheon, xerath,ziggs, karthus.
Like how in the unholy godworld did i see all these champs being tried out as adc/apcs, but CORKI never. Literally corki would make more sense than any of these off-metas, in case the team needet Magic dmg, but corki is being refused to pick up ever, even though people know how much dmg he can output at 3+ items and he is the closest thing of being a “adc” lmaoI miss all the champs they reworked.
Like old galio into AP heavy comps.
Graves adc
Galio just had one in solo q some days ago and was like ah yess he is a thing too