• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • funniest thing is that corki is one of the absolute best scaling adcs/apcs but players refuse to even try him out botlane. I see no reason why he could not work. but that’s not the funny part, funny part is that i saw basically everything at this point being played as “adc”: brand, swain, tham kench, rengar, yasuo, pantheon, xerath,ziggs, karthus.
    Like how in the unholy godworld did i see all these champs being tried out as adc/apcs, but CORKI never. Literally corki would make more sense than any of these off-metas, in case the team needet Magic dmg, but corki is being refused to pick up ever, even though people know how much dmg he can output at 3+ items and he is the closest thing of being a “adc” lmao

  • FoxGoesBOOMBtoLeague Of Legends@level-up.zone13.23 Patch Preview
    10 months ago

    bad patch, ingame issues about League aren’t adressed at all as per usual by riot.
    Idk what the tower change is supposed to do or change but sure go ahead.
    why is electrocute still not buffed.
    early game it’s literally to hard now to ever kill ur laner or to snowball alone without the help of ur team.
    why is syndra and orianna not getting nerfed.
    Why is dorans shield, second life still a thing. i’m literally witnessing 7hp a second akali at half hp because she goes dorans shield second life, while i have 0.5hp a second, like this is a fcking joke right now right?
    Literally all the actual issues in the game that high Elo players complain daily about, aren’t being adressed at all.
    Riot really becomes more and more the new blizzard, they keep forcing changes nobody asks for, like the ping changes, while they refuse to ever listen to the playerbase.
    they keep saying ksante is balanced when everyone says he isn’t.
    they keep nerfing electrocute, when not even adc mains complained about electrocute
    they keep adding more base defense stats, when nobody ever asked for it.
    What is happening with this company?