funniest thing is that corki is one of the absolute best scaling adcs/apcs but players refuse to even try him out botlane. I see no reason why he could not work. but that’s not the funny part, funny part is that i saw basically everything at this point being played as “adc”: brand, swain, tham kench, rengar, yasuo, pantheon, xerath,ziggs, karthus.
Like how in the unholy godworld did i see all these champs being tried out as adc/apcs, but CORKI never. Literally corki would make more sense than any of these off-metas, in case the team needet Magic dmg, but corki is being refused to pick up ever, even though people know how much dmg he can output at 3+ items and he is the closest thing of being a “adc” lmao
there are a fckton of different ways to play mid/lategame, and there isn’t rly 1 way that outshines all other type of ways. The general goal in playing league of legends is to snowball (snowball means, getting more gold/exp than ur enemies) So it’s up to urself to figure out ways to get maximum gold generation for mid/lategame and early game in a-b-c game.