It’s been a tough 2 weeks

  • paxusromanus811B
    10 months ago

    This is kind of a click baby headline. How is this an unexpected consequence? Everyone knows the Spurs have been worse with Jeremy plain point guard. That’s about as common sense as it comes

    I’m not going to play the four or against point sochan game as this fan base has beating its death

    I will just say that it’s unbelievably obvious weather you think it’s the right decision or not that the Spurs made a conscious decision entering the season to more or less sacrifice the first 20. So odd games by letting Victor do whatever he wants and try to figure out where he’s comfortable so they can begin developing a roadmap for how to build the team around him, and how to develop him on both ends. As prompt has said himself, they don’t want to use a template that would typically be used for a different type of player because he quite obviously is one of a kind and doesn’t fit any modern definitions when looking at how to develop him

    While doing that the front office clearly figured " why the hell not?" And decided to let Jeremy try to work on some of those tantalizing little sparks of playmaking and offensive creativity he showed last year knowing that they weren’t trying to optimize the winning product right off the bat anyway.

    When the time comes to start seriously running plays for Victor, and putting the team in a situation to maximize him, which again pop recently made clear they want to start winning games at some point in the season, they’re not going to just keep Jeremy at point guard if it’s not in the best interest of Victor

    He is there number one focus for sure. Just because he struggled more with Jeremy doesn’t mean it’s bad for his development.

    Maybe if the Spurs were planning on doing this for all of eternity sure. But again they’ve been pretty straightforward that that’s not the intention.

    He plays better with Jones because with Jones he’s allowed to work more like a traditional big man where he’s catching lobs, scoring near the basket, and operating in roles where he’s maximizing his physical gifts more than relying on improving his skill based ones

    When he plays with Jeremy, he’s being used more as a primary offensive weapon and being asked to be the guy, and again doing so without much being run for him. He’s 19. Him being up and down in that situation makes plenty of sense.

    Again, I’m not for or against Jeremy at point guard. Overall. I am totally on board with letting the front office take their time with Victor and analyze what they have before they start making big decisions on his player development plan. And I’m also all for them trying to expedite Jeremy’s development since let’s be honest… The Spurs really really need him to pan out and become a high level player if they plan on creating a dynamic nucleus from this group anytime soon