it seems like every day i see a post of someone complaining about how their main doesnt fit into the current meta or state of the game at all, and while i believe its true in a lot of cases i still feel like there are champions that are truly starving for a rework/update, mostly older champions. riot has seemingly created sloppy champions that arent holding up to the test of time, and its biting them back in the ass IMO. so yes while i feel a lot of champions need some more pizazz, I think the best way to get changes or updates to your champion would be for all of us to push for the ones that need it the most to get done sooner rather than later, how i see it is its a donor waiting list and you dont move up the list until the people who need it more get it, and you definitely dont want to settle for a shitty black market donor (buffs instead of changes)

idk. i think riot just needs to stop making champions for awhile and put more effort into the champions we have now.

  • KordbenB
    10 months ago

    A lot of champions actually have issues atm . Shen is horrible right now for example, Velkoz is extremely out dated and uncared by devs, Zed is just extremely unbalanced. I dont see it as fans wants to make them broken. They just ask for fixes