• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • she has the same armor as malz, veigar, taliyah and ziggs, from which ziggs and taliyah are really good in soloq and sometimes pro play, and taliyah is also “extremely immobile” as you say outside of her ult

    Malzahar is a bad comparison as he does not have to interact on lane to win with perma push gameplay with dots. On him it’s completely reserved since he is an uninteractive matchup.

    Veigar has one of the best CC and raw scaling in the game with cage and passive. That is why Veigar V2 came up with a mythc into rabadon into tank items combo as you could farm out crazy amount AP and just build resistance afterwards.

    Taliyah is actually scaling as she comes online at lvl 9 and she has way better forms to fight against mobility + she does rewards high skill plays with her ceiling.

    Ziggs was overtuned in the last couple of patches. You either don’t see him aside a few games when h is semi balanced-weak because hes just a boring design with low ceiling gameplay or they overtune him for no reason.

    Malza and Veigar CC just superior to both cass W and R. Taliyah simply better design on the long run but remember she needed 6 years to reach this state as devs hadno idea what to do with her…and You can see ziggs above.

    They don’t suffer from such issues as Cassio right now.

    she is not “extremely” immobile when she has nearly 100% uptime

    It’s difficult to land and easy to dodge as you climb because not everyone walks into your face mindlessly and palyers know ho to sac minions for poke and free damage even. It’s not too difficult to land it iin teamfights on someone but it’s not something meaningful when its up for 3s while it costs a lot which would not be an issue with better component itemisation. But it is an issue because overall high mana demand on a ksillshot oriented champ who can’t deal burst.

    As mentioned in the post high risk-low reward.

  • Orianna and Syndra are literally the strongest and most popular mid laners

    if you let that part go you will realise they both enjoying fundamental advantages over Velkoz regardless of their state within the meta…

    • Casting while you are able to move freely is a massive difference
    • Their main damage dealing spell wont be stopped by the first target it hits
    • Way easier set up for ganks/bursts for get the kill
    • macro management (Orianan can grant MS and clutch shield, Syndra’s scatter the weak is also covers wide range and scales well with skill and combos while both scales extremely well and has more options to delete the enemy/play certain scenarios).

    In comparison Vel’Koz is in a much worse state with his knock up and champ’s only ability that he can cast while moving is E afaik. And even if I’m wrong here the amount of differences between these mages are astronomical when it comes to apply existing power in game

  • Telll me how unprofessional it is to call someone idiot (an epsort player) as a sportcommentator and it’s exactly that toxic as it sounds.

    Because that was harrassment. Guy made a mistake and died for it on an epsort game and as the commentator for the game, a profissonal sport commentator on a living game, you are not allowed to say such things.

    Also phreak is not really popular for:

    • Creating the worst possible meta for MSI
    • Refuse to properly adress the feedbacks dedicated players do give him
    • His take in his videos are contain and ego here and there and this does not suit well with every passionate players
    • Velkoz mains were patient for 3 years or more by now. Exactly Phreak’s belittling words made them furious.

    Death threat part is crazy stupid but Riot is equally responsible for it. Just tell me why they announce they will look at the syndra skin so ppl can stop sending death threats?

    Most players sees it as they give death threat senders what tehy wanted but when you do peacful feedbacks you get nothing. - Thats the message there in short for many which IMO is equally wrong and I would say it probably encouraged some ppl to send those shits…ppl are stupid ngl but communication went really off from riot here.

  • Controversal.

    I mean just look at his henious face when he was mentioning: “You can type Karthus ult if you need to by the way”.

    This is probably the most toxic and controversal statement from a dev ever.

    I mean any company, with responsible people, would never ever dare to talk like this to it’s consumers. Anyone who does it gets fired without a warning. And he was casually pointed the middle finger for everyone and said “yes we changing it so fuck you all”.

    I seen comments when he say sorry whatever, its meaningless at this point. He should create a video where he deep dives into pings and options instead of making changes that affecting every player, in every elo without consulting with them on something so impactful.

    Don’t act like players register less than 5-6 pings below GM.

  • But as with anything, we intend to always keep our eyes and ears open.


    If you would listen you would know how huge issue ping nerf is for community ever since Auberaun interacted with it and all you guys did was ignore palyer feedback on the topic, just changed it without communicating and listening to community on it.

    On a related tangent, I liberally block people who come at with me with nothing but unfiltered toxicity and every day I still see more of them. I can indeed mute/block people who are jerks. But if a new person pops off with some dumb shit I still see flame in my games.

    Then play single player games. EVERY COMPETITIVE GAME has toxicity in it and you all did changes from the wrong angle. Remove chat and you will see threats and toxicity reduced by 95%. You tried to remove the smaller evil from the game (pings) so bigger evil (grief, creative threaths in chat, int, troll etc…)will be way more prevelant than before…

    Of course, I could just turn off chat entirely / not go on twitter ever / not go on reddit ever / not go on youtube ever. But I do liberally block people and I still see garbage in some feed every day. To be clear, this is not about your post. I appreciate you making it. This is just to say that blocking does not prevent one from consistent exposure to toxicity. I agree that something more underlying would be really valuable. I’m also not personally able to change that, especially when most of these platforms are just social media at large.

    Don’t mix social media shit here. Thats Zuckerberg and Musk’s job to deal with or not.

    We are talking about League and you and Auberaun and who knows who are 100% responsible that we are here.

    But again you guys just don’t communicate on important stuff. Not in the time it would be open for community talking. When you guys implemented the first changes there should have been an open communication because this is a huge, gameplay releated change that affects every player.

    And you all ignored community. But at least K’sante is playable…