• EdwEd1B
    10 months ago

    Respect to them for being willing to confront him about this directly, Silver saying everyone deserves due process to a guy that already pled no contest to charges before getting arrested again is just such a cop-out

  • MrAppleSpoinkB
    10 months ago

    What will it fucking take for the league to stop empowering rapists, wife beaters, and child abusers? Like seriously what the fuck is their goal here?

    Kobe raped a young woman in Colorado, everyone whose head isn’t all the way up their own asshole understands that the facts of the case are damning beyond any conclusion other than guilt. Despite this the league actively protected him, they talk about and rave about him every chance they get, they name awards after him, and my own fucking team is building a statue of him. That’s right, a giant statue of a good for nothing rapist.

    Karl Malone raped a 13 year old girl and got her pregnant, then avoided any degree of support because his worthless grubby money hungry hands didn’t want to let a penny slip between his fingers. It’s bad enough he’s not in prison, but the league literally invited him to all star weekend. Oh and he wasn’t just a guest, HE WAS A JUDGE IN THE DUNK CONTEST!!! They promoted him despite knowing full well all the things he’s done.

    Now Miles Bridges. He beat the fuck out of his girlfriend in front of their kids. Here’s a list of her injuries on wikipedia: strangulation, brain concussion, closed fracture of nasal bone, contusion of rib, multiple bruises, and a neck muscle strain. Because he’s rich and America’s laws don’t apply to the rich, he got off with just probation… which he violated by returning to this woman’s house, throwing billiard balls at her car WHILE HER KIDS WERE INSIDE, and had his new girlfriend hit and kick the car at the same time.

    Fuck Adam Silver, and fuck this league for actively empowering people who deserve to be thrown into cell and have the shit kicked out of them until they can’t walk by the other inmates.

    If all goes well, someone will throw the hardest flagrant 2 in NBA history at Bridges and he’ll be done for his career, but all of these players are buddy buddy with abusers, rapists, pedophiles, and anti-semites, so what’s the fucking point.