We all know that this community is pretty garbage. Chat and post game screen is reportable and adding the option in game was awesome. However I am sure we all have gotten those people in post game who send you a friend request and then just send the most vial and hate filled messages possible. I know you can just unfriend and move on, and I do. But the fact that this appears to be completely unpushishable and the safest way for these losers to get away with just being scum is kinda wrong. Screenshot added clearly relevant. Dude said nothing, afked at the beginning of the game forcing a remake and then when i said something he added me after the game to say this. Also weirdly if you check his match history he has forced like 5 remakes in a row for some reason and is in masters. Huh?

  • BaniishedB
    10 months ago

    Because they don’t want to get in-between friends and inside jokes. YOU had to accept the friend request.