Hey all, a few weeks back I started wondering what Reddit discussions would have been like if the site was around during the 2002 realignment so planning to eventually post on all the different subs to see what their feelings were with how the alignment ended up for their team. For you guys, it involved moving Indy out and keeping the other 4 together which was probably one of the harder divisions to deal with given that all five teams had been together since at least 1960. Geographically it seemed to make the most sense to move Miami into the AFCS instead of Indy but understand they were trying to keep some rivalries together.

Would love any thoughts from everyone if they had feelings different than (or same as) mine on how the 2002 realignment affected this team.

  • whistlepig4lifeB
    10 months ago

    When they did the realignments. They really should have done so for both conferences.

    Shake it up. ALL of it.

    They could have generated new rivalries and buzz. While keeping some alive.