Hey r/Apple!

aaronp613 here. I’ve been a moderator here for close to 5 years, but some of you might recognize my name from the Apple Event threads posted here over the past few years.

As of yesterday, I have joined MacRumors as a contributing researcher which leaves me in a bit of a pickle as to what I should do as far as my moderator status on this subreddit.

I’ll admit, ever since the API changes and strike, I have not really moderated this subreddit (or really any subreddit) that much, but as mentioned above, I still handle the Apple Event megathreads each time as I love experiencing the Apple Events with all of you.

So now the question is, what do I do?

Obviously, I should not be handling any day to day moderation going forward as I beleive that every news blog that follows our guidelines should have an equal and fair chance of being posted on our forum without the appearance of any potential bias from the moderation team.

When I brought this up to some of the other r/apple moderators, 2 possible solutions we thought of were these:

Option 1: Only continue posting Apple event threads and moderate the comments on those threads (leaving the news posting to another moderator).

Option 2: Option 1 but I also continue to post news links during the event for each topic. Accusations of bias can be avoided as we always post whichever news blog posts first, so the timestamps would speak for themselves.

So I want to hear your thoughts on the matter, because at the end of the day we are a community.

  • @Panda_hatB
    18 months ago

    Just do the megathreads, it’s not that big if a deal.

  • @Famous_Ant_2825B
    18 months ago

    So many words for no reason, just leave that broke ass situation and go make money and have a purpose in life 😂

  • @D3-DoomB
    18 months ago

    Congratulations on the new station. I hope you enjoy the change in scenery.

  • @cuentanuevaB
    18 months ago

    I’ll admit, ever since the API changes and strike, I have not really moderated this subreddit (or really any subreddit) that much, but as mentioned above, I still handle the Apple Event megathreads each time as I love experiencing the Apple Events with all of you.

    So you were doing little mod work overall, someone else can create a megathread those 2/3 times a week and you can still interact “with all of us” like you love so much.

    I don’t care at all who is a mod or isn’t.

    Option 3: You were already not doing much with your mod position during most of the year. The obvious choice is right there, leave the mod team and let others pick up the slack on the events (which is a time a lot of people is probably interested, so likely other mods are available as well), or get a new mod that would actually do more than just show up 2 or 3 times a year.

    You can still contribute and be a part of the community without being a mod.

  • @TomLubeB
    18 months ago

    Not sure why stepping down isn’t an option because it’s the only good one here imo.

  • @MaverickRTSUB
    18 months ago

    I appreciate the willingness to step back. I think a simple asterisk when posting would be enough for me. Kinda like when you read a news article sharing a related sponsor. I’m good with you doing whatever you want!

  • @SteveJobsOfficialB
    18 months ago

    Option 3: Give me the security camera tapes like we discussed and I’ll consider letting you out of the cage.

  • @_pjanicB
    18 months ago

    Option 3. Stop moderating altogether.

    The conflict of interest is mostly hypothetical on Reddit.

    It could become very real at MacRumors.

    I am not a lawyer or even very educated, nor am I your lawyer or your barely educated internet stranger.

  • @bane_of_hereticsB
    18 months ago

    Tbh Aaron, if you stay you might still end up being biased. It’s only human. I’d be okay with you passing the mantle onto a new guy who can carry the weight, while sticking around as one of us plebs.

    All the best for your bright future, fellow nerd.

  • @AvieshekB
    18 months ago

    I feel like “leave ASAP” is an overreaction, like in r/Shortcuts the moderators still build Shortcuts themselves along with participating in the discussion thread but without the mod flair while also using the mod flair if they’ve to take a disciplinary action including stating a rule in the comments.

    The decision should be based upon if it’s taking up your time between a paid job and voluntary work unless you’re or being forced to abuse your position or power.

  • @Kinetic_StrikeB
    18 months ago

    I think if you disclose it when needed (ie if you were to post a MacRumors article) and just don’t act like a heel it’s a complete non-issue.

    edit: and congrats on the new job!

  • @mi7chyB
    18 months ago

    Terrible place you’re headed to. Have 2nd thoughts.

  • @No_Personality6685B
    18 months ago

    Most people here or any subreddit don’t care who the moderators are. 99.9% won’t notice you ever left.