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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


    1. You clearly didn’t read the post… I have a table with EPM, DPM, LEBRON, BPM, WS/48, RMP, WIC, and kWPA. I didn’t include RAPTOR because it doesn’t exist anymore.
    2. Prior seasons matter so we can check the accuracy of the data we have from this season. Prior to this season JB was worse than KP and Jrue and he still is from data we have from this season.

    I’m not wasting any more time with someone who clearly doesn’t know how to read. I’ve already explained this stuff but you aren’t reading what I’m posting. I don’t know if it’s laziness or an inability to read but either way it’s a waste of my time.

  • I think you are misrepresenting how metrics work. We can argue order, but intuitively when you look at the rankings of any metric it will have players grouped about where you expect. Most have Jokic as the best player in the NBA and a top 10 consisting of players you expect to see there.

    JB is good at scoring a lot of points but I do not consider that an elite scorer because he does it with poor efficiency. For players who average over 20 ppg JB ranks among the bottom in TS%. Metrics attempt to normalize related stats like that to quantify his offensive contribution as a single number. They do not penalize players who score a lot with elite efficiency but down pass enough. A lot of metrics also adjust by position so a PF isn’t expected to have as many assists as a guard. JB also turns the ball over a bunch, which metrics penalize heavily, rightfully so. We all witnessed his turnover problems in multiple playoffs in a row. He had games where he was turning it over more than entire other teams.

  • I hear what you’re saying but disagree. At what volume do we start to care about 3P%? Our current leader is Lamar Stevens at 100% so is he our best 3P shooter? He averages with 0.2 3PA/G. This is why it’s so easy to mislead with individual stats.

    In ppg Brown is second, but he is very inefficient 54.1% TS, which is only slightly above Jrue from our starting 5. TS is a good stat but this is why ppg isn’t. I also didn’t mention but JB is 6th on the team, behind all starters and PP with +64. Every other starter is over +100.

    Metrics are the best attempt at aggregating and normalizing stats we care about into a single (or more often offensive, defensive, and net) number. If it were 1 or 2 metrics that had JB as our worst starter but the rest disagreed then I would be skeptical. The reality is there isn’t a single metric that has a JB better than any other starter. If that isn’t giving you pause then I don’t know how to convince you.

  • , but this would be a lot more compelling if it were normal metrics taken together, looked at over time, and compared to other players. Just my 2 cents.

    I literally did that. I showed EPM and DPM over their careers. I would get others but it is time consuming and I think I’ve already belabored this point.

    I’d love for someone to try to make a case that metrics aren’t as good as cherry picked individual stats but I’ve never even seen anyone attempt it other than to say how they feel.

    It’s a legiticate question to look at metrics and wonder why they all consistently say JB isn’t all pro and then wonder how he got it. Stats take out bias and my best guess is that intuitively our eyes tell us JB is good because he scores a lot and weigh that a lot higher than the low efficiency and turnovers. And how well he does with JT on the floor vs off. But metrics are more objective at measuring stuff like that and we’re surprised that he comes out so low.

    I’ll admit It was a red pill for me when I saw these metrics. I fully thought he was one of the best players in the league. This is why I talk about how bad our eyes are and lying with stats. It’s easy to cherry pick a single or even multiple stats that say JB is our #2. So then why does literally every metric the NBA has disagree?? That’s the question I need someone to answer

  • I keep seeing the same lying with stats taking place and I am tired of repeating myself so I’m making a post for myself and anyone else’s sake so that we can point here next time we see a JB truther trying to lie with stats to make the case that JB is something he isn’t (namely: our second best player).

    When I say “lying with stats” I am referring to cherry picking specific individual stats like ppg or number of second-team all pro selections last season. Individual stats like this are basically meaningless because they do not tell a complete enough story. Nothing is perfect, but metrics are the best thing we have in sports for determining a players value. For the NBA there are a bunch of different metrics we use. These are better than your eyes, feelings and cherry picked stats.

    Before I get to the numbers, every time I bring this up I am accused of hating JB so I need to always preface this by saying I like JB and I am glad he is on the team. But the numbers don’t lie and I a not going to accept the truther reality that he is our second best player just because I like him. So let’s see who the numbers actually say are our best players:

    Here are our 5 starters with their respective value and team-rank in parenthesis for the top metrics we have for the NBA.

    Player EPM DPM LEBRON BPM WS/48 RPM FIC kWPA Average Team Rank
    Tatum 4.7 (1) 5.58 (1) 4.42 (1) 5.4 (2) .187 (2) 9.01 (1) 303.1 (1) 5.64 (1) 1.25
    Porziņģis 4.0 (2) 3.27 (2) 3.05 (3) 5.5 (1) .241 (1) 5.15 (2) 218.8 (2) 4.68 (2) 1.875
    White 2.0 (3) 2.33 (4) 2.41 (4) 3.1 (4) .162 (4) 4.58 (3) 154.9 (5) 3.45 (4) 3.875
    Jrue 0.6 (4) 3.7 (3) 3.47 (2) 0.9 (6) .099 (7) 4.26 (4) 192.0 (3) 4.21 (3) 4
    Brown 0.4 (5) 1.83 (5) 0.81 (5) -0.5 (7) .079 (8) 3.91 (5) 169.6 (4) 3.08 (5) 5.5

    But that is just for this season. Let’s just look at a few to see historical data to see if maybe JB is just slumping this season (spoiler: he isn’t):

    We know who JB is. He isn’t a rookie anymore; we have years of data telling us who he is. We love him on the team but know he isn’t our second best player. He might be the second best player on a lot of other teams, but he hasn’t been that in Boston for some time now (if ever).


    1. Do you just hate JB? No I like JB and I am glad he is on the team
    2. What about ? I do not care about that stat. See the table above.
    3. I still feel like JB is our second best player because . That isn’t a question.
    4. Why even go through the effort of arguing he isn’t our second best player? Why does it matter? It doesn’t. But I am sick of having the same conversation after every game. When he has a bad game, we have to see truthers say “iT’s JuSt OnE GamE”. When he has a good game we have to hear them say “WheRe ArE aLL tHe jB HatErs Now?”. Now every time I get int hat argument I can just link here and move on with my life.