Plus old operator abilities like Smoke with Shield, Ash with flash, Thermite with Grenades
Honestly I’d like to see them add a mode or do an event that just contains old maps and that sorta stuff
is there a reason why this map stayed in Situations but all others got replaced by their rework?
All I played was T hunt. I even reached 1 million renown without ever touching multiplayer except during the beta lol. The fact they’re moving it is gonna cause me to just straight delete the game. I actually enjoyed playing alone killing bots.
I miss old Hereford, old Canal, old Consulate. Man some of the reworks are really meh.
To this day Hereford is one of my least favorite reworks. We took a noob onto the reworked Hereford and they were mindblown that it was a ranked map
One of my favorite maps and hella underrated.