Junkerqueen. I just stopped playing her at one point
Junkerqueen. I just stopped playing her at one point
Yeah it’s annoying. There’s people that get voice changers to avoid it, it’s honestly ridiculous at this point
If I had the money I’d do it too
Mercy mains put food on the tables of blizzard employees everywhere
I haven’t watched a siege creator in forever but I enjoyed varsity and a21 Mayo a lot
I hate that there viable
There’s a lot of nice people. If you’re on Xbox I’d do an lfg post. I’ve only done it a few times since I’m pretty shy, but I’ve never had a bad experience. Also playing tank sucks and the tank gets blamed a lot because it’s such an annoying role and hardly anybody plays it. I get more shit playing tank for 2-3 games than I do playing support or dps for 10+ games
I can’t stand illari players
Yeah as far as supports go mercy players always seem to be the most toxic
Oh yeah that’s awful. I never got why kiriko players do that so much
Which supports yell at you?
Honestly for me it’s usually the tank being mean to the rest of the team
I’ve been experimenting with who I can swap to off of widow thanks to the new sombra and all the doom mains ruining my day any time I wanna play her
Sniper DVA. Everything else I can at least play around and try to win anyway but not sniper dva
Remove 1.5 and 2x
Give ash 3 breaching rounds
Buff Zof AR and give her 3 impacts and concussions
Replace all breaching charges with flash bangs
Revert Jagers ADS nerfs
You can’t punch evil eyes
IQ gets secondary emps
More ops get frags
More ops get deployables
Fenrir traps detonate when activated and have an increased radius
I might sound delusional since I wrote this in like a minute but I like the ideas. Also removing fortress
I wish this game would just die already
I don’t think that’s how it works
To this day Hereford is one of my least favorite reworks. We took a noob onto the reworked Hereford and they were mindblown that it was a ranked map
I think each game you don’t get a role the chances should be increased