For those that dont know me im a Challenger midlaner with Veigar always being my favorite champion and in the past i strictly was a Veigar OTP. Peaking in top 30 EUW Challenger, i am also a part of the Cloud9 Coaching Staff.

Enough about me, lets move on to the topic. Veigar.

Veigar has lost his identity as a champion, Veigar was always strong in some meta’s due to his CAGE, you pick Veigar for his CAGE.

This however has changed, when veigar was nerfed ( justified ) they made his W have only a 70% ap ratio compared to his 100%. This, combined with durability patch you are now forced to put multiple points into W, or even max it if you want to deal damage.

Veigar wants to play vs Cassiopeia, Ryze, Swain, Akali. Champions that goes into him, Rakan, Rell etc. When you are forced to max W, and there is more tenacity in the game compared to old days, Veigar E gets ignored.

So, as someone with over 5000 games on Veigar, these are my suggestions:

Those in charge of game design has to make a choice.

Do we want Veigar to be strong in lategame, or be a midgame champion? Right now there is NO reason why i would pick Veigar over Syndra.

Syndra is better in lategame and early game and has more reliable stun and oneshot than Veigar.

If we want to make Veigar a champion in lategame, you need to make stacking his passive more worth.

Keep his Q the same, good change to give it more range

Veigar’s W has worked the same way for over 10 years, its time for a change:

These days champions have more tenacity and mobility, and also players have just gotten way better movement compared to older days and people are used to how abilities work, hitting veigar W is not real.
Veigar is meant to be a scaling champion, but his lack of reliable damage and range prevents him from doing much in most lategame situations, he is either outranged or enemy is too tanky for veigar to do much(Syndra has true damage lol!)

Veigar W gets lower CD each time you reach 50 stacks on passive, an interesting change i would propose to make people max W: ( which is clearly what the balance team wants since they removed 30% ap ratio unless u max it )
Change the W landing delay. Right now its a 1.2 second delay, you press W and it falls 1.2 seconds later. This has been for 10 years.

My suggestion is to make it 1.3 delay in early game, and each time you hit 50 stacks it goes down in delay, just like his CD. Nothing too crazy, im not saying kogmaw ultimate lategame, just when you have 300-400 stacks like 0.8/9 delay or something. This will make “poke lategame veigar max W” an actual thing.

The change mentioned above is great because every time Veigar was OP and problematic it was always due to his CAGE. In old seasons, Veigar stun was INSTANT and abused in support role, leading to veigar being reworked. Later veigar was spammed in mid to counter Ahri, Akali etc due to CAGE being OP. By making his W better, you can future nerf his cage without making the champion worthless.

Potential E changes:

If what i mentioned above is too “op” Make his E have % magic pen inside of it, its laughable how little damage a 1.4k AP veigar does to a tank.

You could also nerf Veigar E for lategame, but make it a stronger spell by default, This helps the dilemma happening around maxing E or W right now. For example, Veigar Cage is currently 1.5seconds stun duration rank 1 with a 20 seconds CD, Making this a 1.75 rank 1 with 18 second cd or something but only 2.25 total compared to 2.5 could be an interesting topic to discuss.

I do not want Veigar to be OP, i simply want to be a lategame champion. It makes no sense to lose lane to every champion in the game and then also get outscaled by most.

Right now, Veigar loses to basically any mage and gets outscaled by most mages ( Xerath Velkoz Ziggs Orianna Syndra to name a few, all beat veigar in lane and also outrange/ outscale him ) So you would still to this day, only pick veigar vs things like Akali Ahri , but this feels terrible since you need points in W so you have either 0 dmg and max E, or damage but now you are veigar with no points in E.

Thank you and i hope we can have a polite discussion about my favorite champion Veigar and hopefully balance team could reach out for a conversation.

  • itaicoolB
    10 months ago

    Keep posting guys we will eventually get through all the champs in league.

  • TooBad_VichoB
    10 months ago

    Just rework him into LoR Veigar and give him a mech 😈

  • JabberwockyNZB
    10 months ago

    How about instead we revert the stupid range buff on Q that made him un-interactable in lane for every single melee champ and majority of ranged champs. Insanely spammable ability with a low mana cost (with manaflow and lost chapter negating it altogether) which means Veigar can just sit at turret farming from complete safety and scaling for free.

    You can look to making him stronger late or reverting the W ap ratio after Q range gets reverted.