Because she completely abuses all melee champs and so they should be rewarded if they get on top of her
Um akshally the statistics show hes negative winrate… therefore he needs buffs akshually… double his W shield again please
It’s not even his E, it’s just phase rush. You can counterplay his E with some top laners but phase rush just makes it impossible to trade back
I swear Riot just talks out of their ass whenever they want to buff a champion, Pantheon is completely fine in top lane so they just say ‘Well hes not strong enough lol’ and buff him.
Jesus, I wonder why Zed katarina yasuo has had a high pickrate since their release? Damn I wonder why lee sin is always picked even when he’s weak? Truly a puzzling concept for braindead idiots like you I must say
Oh thanks for that link bro, really appreciate the effort you went to to show me Syndras 11% pick rate, invalidating your entire argument. Weird, but whatever!
The mage main victim complex strikes again in full force
Oh ok so you want Viego to just be a copy paste of Mordekaiser? Wow you are such a genius bro! Forget making new and unique villains, lets just have everyone be big evil death armour guy! Apply for Mensa right now!
Moving 400hp 60ad into the isolated effect ( so you’d lose them when not isolated ) would have fixed the problem better, without depleting the item for its legit users.
Lmfao so you are forced into perma splitting or you lose your entire item? Your pyke decides to roam to help you out and suddenly youve turned into a melee minion? Great change bro
Yo riot, worlds is over, you had your fun with Orianna being permabanned, can you nerf the fuck out of this champ now?
It works 90% of the time, which its what is intended for the people who should be using riot recommended items aka new players and/or bronzes
If you take it seriously its on you
Problem is no one likes laning against Zed when hes strong early because he is a control mage lmao, Talon Qiyana has to engage on you to do damage whereas Zed can poke without using mana, thats why Zed is a scaler now
Didn’t they gigabuff him after the rework because he did end up being shit lmfao
How about instead we revert the stupid range buff on Q that made him un-interactable in lane for every single melee champ and majority of ranged champs. Insanely spammable ability with a low mana cost (with manaflow and lost chapter negating it altogether) which means Veigar can just sit at turret farming from complete safety and scaling for free.
You can look to making him stronger late or reverting the W ap ratio after Q range gets reverted.