Normally I don’t give a crap about blind spot monitoring. But last night, I was in the middle lane going like 70. The person in front of me was going like 60. There was NO ONE else on the road. So I checked all around behind me, saw nothing, and went into the left lane. Just as I was about to, the blind spot detection kicked off. Some motherfucker was going down the left lane in a black car with no headlights on. I got in behind him and flashed my high beams at him. He moved over and kept driving with no headlights. Idiot!!

  • Smitty_OomB
    11 months ago

    I know people like to complain about stuff like this - “I know how to drive, I don’t need it, it’s for dumb idiots that can’t drive” - but it can be an asset. Whether it’s some other driver acting unexpectedly or simply a mistake (which we all make), these systems, when used as an addition to appropriate driving behaviors, can save lives.