Normally I don’t give a crap about blind spot monitoring. But last night, I was in the middle lane going like 70. The person in front of me was going like 60. There was NO ONE else on the road. So I checked all around behind me, saw nothing, and went into the left lane. Just as I was about to, the blind spot detection kicked off. Some motherfucker was going down the left lane in a black car with no headlights on. I got in behind him and flashed my high beams at him. He moved over and kept driving with no headlights. Idiot!!

  • strongmanassB
    11 months ago

    I’ve had many exchanges in the past week about people who are oh so adamant that blind spot monitoring is useless and only for morons who don’t know how to set up their mirrors and adds expense to cars and actually makes drivers worse and all they need is a pair of eyes and their mirrors and blind spot monitoring shot their dog and set fire to their house. Thank you for providing a real-world counterpoint to all the people who would rather everyone else be less safe just so they in their small minority can get what they want.